Hey there! My name is Paul Taubman, II and this is my new website…. Welcome!
The title of this post, “Hello world!” is a bit ironic. Let me explain.
First off, I have a technical background. I studied Software Development/Computer Science at Rochester Institute of Technology (Go Tigers!). In the computer programming world, when you learn a new programming language, the ‘typical program’ to write is code to display, “Hello world!” on the screen.
The first language I learned in High School was BASIC. In BASIC, the code looks like this:
10 LET A$ = "Hello World"
30 END
Fast forward to creating websites with a platform called, WordPress (that is what this site is built on). When you install a fresh version of WordPress, it comes with a default page called, ‘Hello World’ as a sample page. Most sites delete this (as it is not applicable to anything), and some folks leave it there (by mistake? They forget to delete it? They don’t know they should delete it? I am not sure… but you can see a lot of WordPress sites that have the initial Hello World Page still installed. But I digress.
This is my “Hello World” page as I literally say, Hello to the world on this new website of mine. It has been swirling around in my head for a long time. I finally started to do something about it during a Digital Maestro Academy Training Call.
And so, the site comes to fruition.