Consistency Matters: How Tracking Supplements Transformed My Daily Routine

Yesterday, I shared a bit about my journey with taking supplements and how tracking habits has been a game-changer for me. Today, I want to talk a little more on this topic because it’s not just about remembering to take my vitamins—it’s about creating systems that support consistency and success in the long term.

Taking Them Is Nothing New To Me

Taking supplements isn’t a new concept for me. In fact, I’ve been doing it for years. I understand their importance in supporting my health and filling any gaps in my diet. Yet, despite my best intentions, I would often forget to take them. Mornings would get busy, or I’d be rushing out the door, and by the time I remembered, the day had already slipped away.

That’s when I decided to take a new approach at the start of the year: tracking. I started marking down each day in my journal when I took my supplements. At first, it felt a little silly. After all, how hard is it to remember something as simple as swallowing a few pills? But the truth is, life gets busy, and the little things often fall through the cracks. By making the act of taking my supplements part of a tracking system, I’ve created a built-in reminder that ensures I never miss a day.

Since I started tracking, I haven’t missed a single dose. That’s right—not one (thank goodness we are only on day 3 of the new year!). There’s something surprisingly motivating about seeing a streak of consecutive days in my journal. It’s a small win, but it reinforces the habit and keeps me committed. Plus, the process of writing it down acts as a form of accountability. Even if I don’t have anyone else checking in on me, my journal serves as my accountability partner.

Is It Overkill?

At first, I wondered if this level of attention to such a basic task was overkill. I mean, shouldn’t I just be able to remember on my own? But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that tracking is about more than just remembering. It’s about creating a structure that supports success. We track things that are important to us—whether it’s our finances, our workouts, or even our business goals ( do you track these things?). Why not apply the same principle to our health?

What I’ve also discovered is that tracking supplements is a gateway to tracking other habits. I kind of know how effective tracking and journalling can be, so I started using the same approach for other routines. Now, my journal includes a daily checklist of habits I want to maintain, from meditating to writing my Creation Statements, and exercising (again, you can read about it from yesterday’s post). It’s become a simple yet powerful tool for staying on top of the things that matter most.

Even being only on Day 3, I found an unexpected benefit of tracking is the sense of accomplishment it brings. Even on days when I feel like I haven’t achieved much, I can look at my journal and see those circles being filled in building up. It’s a reminder that I’m making progress, even in small ways. Those little wins add up, and they build momentum. I never thought I was one of those people that likes checking things off a list, but maybe I am…

Keep It Simple!

If you’re thinking about starting a tracking habit, my advice is to keep it simple. You don’t need a fancy app or a complicated system. A notebook or journal works just fine. Write down the habits you want to track and make it a point to check in daily. The act of physically writing something down can be more powerful than you’d expect. There’s a connection between the pen and the mind that reinforces commitment in a way that digital tools sometimes can’t. I almost was going to track on the computer, but I decided against it for this reason.

Another tip is to pair your tracking with a specific time of day. For me, taking my supplements in the morning works best. It’s part of my morning routine, which makes it easier to remember. If you tie a habit to an existing routine—like brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee—you’re more likely to stick with it.

Celebrate Your Successes

It’s also important to celebrate your progress. Every time I look at my streak in my journal, I feel a little burst of pride. It’s a reminder that I’m showing up for myself, even in small ways. And let’s be honest, those small wins are often what keep us going. It’s easy to overlook the importance of consistency, but in the long run, it’s the consistent actions that lead to the biggest results.

For me, tracking my supplements has been about more than just ensuring I get the nutrients I need. It’s become a symbol of commitment—a way of saying, “This is important, and I’m going to make it a priority.” And while it might seem like a small thing, it’s had a ripple effect on other areas of my life. It’s taught me the value of paying attention to the details and how those details can add up to something much bigger.

Try It, You’ll Like It

If you’ve ever struggled with staying consistent with a habit, I encourage you to give tracking a try. Start with one habit, like taking your vitamins, and see how it feels. You might be surprised at how such a simple act can create a sense of focus and accomplishment. And who knows? It might just inspire you to tackle other habits with the same level of dedication.

Here’s to building habits that stick and creating a life filled with small, meaningful victories. Remember, it’s not about perfection—it’s about progress.

What habits are you working on tracking? Do you have a method that helps you stay consistent? I’d love to hear your thoughts and tips! Share your experiences in the comments below—let’s inspire each other to keep building habits that matter.

10 thoughts on “Consistency Matters: How Tracking Supplements Transformed My Daily Routine”

  1. I like how you forced yourself to get organized – what a difference it made in your consistency!
    My “problem” is that I am absent-minded. I take out my supplements (several of them) with my breakfast. I scroll through social media while sipping my coffee, and I can’t remember whether I actually swallowed the pills. So I started to actually lay them out on my plate first thing 😉

    1. That is actually a good idea! It is better than out of sight and out of mind, and not knowing if you took them 🙂

      At least when you take them out of the jars (containers? bottles?) you know you need to take them!

      Thanks for stopping by, Tamara.

  2. YESSS! I agree that it’s not about perfection but about the growing progress you see as days move forward!
    I’m hoping to be more consistent in writing– more specifically because I am currently writing a novel and get really bad writers block, so sometimes I kind of just put off what I’m working on because what if the next words I type suck. (I’m practicing reminding myself that our first drafts are meant to suck sometimes and can be fixed in later drafts.)

    1. Slow and steady wins the race! I know I cna only do what I can… and I try to push things just a little more each time. Good luck with the novel, Dani!

  3. I had to start tracking mine too Paul! Rich would always have everything sitting on the counter for me so I never had to worry about missing them. Now I find using a small calendar for tracking works best for. I even post my BP as I have to track that daily. When my daughter came down for Christmas she set Alexa to tell me “it’s time” LOL But what ever works, works for me.

    1. I love an Alexa reminder! What a great idea! I used to have 7 am meetings on Tuesday mornings. I set an alarm once (“Alexa, set a wake up alarm every Tuesday at 6 am”). Set it and forget it!

  4. Right now, the only supplement I am taking is vitamin D3 daily, and I feel that it’s helping with my seasonal affective disorder. I’m not really documenting it, though. The only thing that I (via my phone) records is my steps which haven’t been that many because of the weather. But maybe someday. Thank you for the helpful suggestions!

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