When was the last time you did something new?
It’s a simple question, but one that can stop you in your tracks and make you think. I first heard this question from Dua Lipa, and it resonated with me immediately. There’s something powerful about stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing new experiences. It’s like giving your life a little jolt of energy, a spark that ignites curiosity and creativity.
When we’re young, doing something new is a natural part of life. Everything is a first: first steps, first day at school, first time riding a bike. But as we get older, we tend to settle into routines. While routines can provide comfort and stability, they can also lead to stagnation if we’re not careful. Life starts to feel like it’s on autopilot, and the days blur together. That’s where this question becomes so valuable. It’s a gentle nudge to break free from the ordinary and seek out the extraordinary.
The Joy of New Experiences
Think back to a time when you tried something new. Maybe it was learning to cook a challenging recipe, signing up for a dance class, or traveling to a place you’d never been before. How did it make you feel? For me, new experiences are often a mix of excitement and nervousness, but they always leave me feeling more alive. They push me to grow and remind me that life is full of endless possibilities.
New experiences also have a way of building confidence. Every time you step outside your comfort zone and succeed—even if it’s just a small success—you prove to yourself that you’re capable of more than you thought. That’s a powerful thing. I frequently say, “Celebrate your successes no matter how big or small” and this feel similar.
Why We Stop Trying New Things
So, why don’t we do something new more often? I think one reason might be fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking foolish, or even fear of the unknown can hold us back. Another reason is business. Between work, family, and other responsibilities, it can feel like there’s no time to try something new. And let’s be honest, sometimes we’re just plain tired. Maybe you new thing, is to do something when you are just tired… that might be something new.
But here’s the thing: Doing something new doesn’t have to be a grand, time-consuming gesture. It can be as simple as trying a new coffee flavor, reading a book in a genre you’ve never explored, or taking a different route on your daily comute to work or a walk (Cue Rascal Flatts… “Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long…”) The point is to shake things up and remind yourself that life is an adventure.
Making It a Daily Practice
Inspired by Dua Lipa’s question, I’ve decided to incorporate this idea into my life in a more intentional way. I’m going to add “Do something new” to my Daily Habit Tracker. It’ll serve as a reminder to actively seek out new experiences, no matter how small. Some days, it might be something big, like trying a new hobby or visiting a new place. Other days, it might be as simple as listening to a song from a genre I don’t usually like or cooking with an ingredient I’ve never used before.
I’m excited to see how this small daily habit will add up over time. I’m hoping it will bring more joy, curiosity, and creativity into my life. More importantly, I hope it will keep me from falling into the trap of routine and remind me that growth happens when we step outside our comfort zones.
What About You?
Now it’s your turn. When was the last time you did something new? If you’re not sure, that’s okay. Today is a perfect day to start. Take a moment to think about one new thing you could try, and then go for it. It doesn’t have to be anything monumental. The key is to start somewhere.
I’d love to hear about your experiences. What’s something new you’ve tried recently? Or what’s one new thing you’d like to try soon? Leave a comment below and share your story. Let’s inspire each other to keep growing and exploring.
Great question!
The area I am most actively trying new things is in the kitchen: new recipes, new ingredients, new techniques… They’re not always a hit, but it’s fun to experiment and learn.
On car trips where there are different routes, I like to take a different one every once in a while, even if it means a detour. You often see surprising little things along the way.
Another thing I like to do is to explore new places. Of course that’s not a daily habit, but it helps to brighten up the routine of the daily and weekly grind.
Awesome, Tamara! I try to do the same when in the car, especially when it comes to Highway Driving. If I have time, I will take an exit and just meander the way home to see different areas that I normally do not (if ever) have travelled. There have been times when I will even stop and take a picture of something I see along the way.
And for cooking, you are right! I think EVERYTHING I make is typically a new experiment. I never measure, I look in the cabinets to see what is in there, and what my mood is. Even if I plan on making turkey meatloaf I do not have a recipe. It is a mix of this and a touch of that.
Thanks for stopping by!
Something new I recently did was cook on my new induction stove. My entire life I’ve only ever cooked on a gas stove, but, when we moved into our new home it only had an electric hookup for the stove/oven, not a gas one. So, I opted for an induction stove. It is so different from cooking with gas and I’m learning slowly. I did manage to boil a full pot of water without a lid on the pot in about 90 seconds, that was really cool. My new oven is also an air fryer so that’s new for me too, we’re air frying everything we can now!
Thank you (to you and Dua Lipa) for the inspiration to look for something new each day, I’ll add it to my habit tracker too.
Awesome – I am glad you like the new stove and kudos for trying something new! And when it comes to habits, stay away from Ed Sherran and his Bad Habits.
(And that is my something new for the day! I never knew I could embed a video in a comment like this! Cool Beans!)
Paul, I’m not sure where to post my group comment that I commented for you. So: Commented, shared to X and Linkedin. Would you like to offer share buttons?
I can/will certainly do that! This site was originally just a test site that was used for ‘academic’ purposed and was not designed for real content. However, in the last moment, I decided to use it for the Challenge. Thanks for the reminder.
Life’s full of chances if we notice them. Adding “try something new” daily is a great idea!
Thanks, Jasmine! Think you will try something new today?
I would love to try and put this into practise. It’s so easy to live in the comfort zone.
What is the saying, Barbara? “Growth is just outside out comfort zone.”
I’m always trying something new in the kitchen whether it be a new recipe or rearranging things to make it easier to get at when baking/cooking. But the newest thing is starting my happiness jar from when I read a post from blogger Nita. Each day write something that makes you happy, date it and put in a jar or basket. At the end of the year read the happy memories that have been made over the year.
That is a great practice! I love it!
Paul, what a great post! Thanks for bringing up the idea of always cultivating the new and different. I do this all the time. Whenever I drive to a familiar destination, I always take a slightly different route. When I go to Mayo (huge campus) for my post-cancer screenings, I always wander about some and take photos of the mountain views from upstairs and the landscape views from downstairs. I mix and match my clothes and accessories. I go for strolls while praying outside in the early morning. I invent new food combinations. My list goes on and on. And this practice keeps us fresh, doesn’t it? Thanks again for raising the subject.
I had a feeling you did, Kebba! Nicely done.
Being a Gen Xer, I make myself try new things. Most of the time it become a list of “things I don’t care for” or “things I’ll never do again,” but some times I find great things…and I would have missed out! So, being a grumpy old lady, I still make myself do and try new things…so I don’t become the elderly person that shouts at kids staying of their lawn. Thanks, Paul! Great post!
LOL – I know now to Stay Off Your Lawn! It’s great that you try new things already.
I love trying something new everyday and to have my son do the same because it means we are learning and growing. Have a good day and I enjoyed visiting your site. I look forward to reading more of your post in the Challenge.
Learning and Growing are 2 great things to do everyday! It is like the saying, “If you are not growing, you are dying.” Growing certainly has it benefits!